Other languages

Help in your language

Legal Aid Queensland has general information about Queensland's legal system and how we can help resolve your legal problems in a number of different languages. These include Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Dari or Tagalog.

(PDF, 370KB)

Download(PDF, 370KB) or order this poster online.  

Find out what other information we have in your language

If you can't find the information you're looking for in your language, the following services may be able to help:

Telephone interpreters

Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS), Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs

TIS is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and is accessible from anywhere in Australia for the cost of a local call on 131 450. Ask them to contact Legal Aid Queensland on 1800 998 980.

Directory of Accredited Practitioners of Translating and Interpreting

National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters

Phone the NAATI Hotline 1300 557 470 within Australia.

Yellow Pages

Translators and interpreters can be found in the Yellow Pages under "Interpreters" and/or "Translators".

We hope you find the information here useful. Please send us your feedback.

Language services policy

Our Language Services Policy creates a framework for delivering language services, where appropriate, to clients whose first language is not English.

Multicultural Action Plan

We are required to report against the Queensland Government’s Multicultural Action Plan in compliance with the Multicultural Recognition Act 2016.

Legal Aid Queensland supports and contributes to the Multicultural Action Plan by:

  • delivering focused community legal education (CLE) sessions to culturally diverse communities
  • distributing translated legal information to culturally diverse communities
  • using free interpreter services for clients in line with the state government’s Language Services Policy
  • providing a fortnightly family law advice clinic at the Refugee and Immigration Legal Service (RAILS)  in Brisbane
  • promoting our website, which includes a built-in translation tool. 

Last updated 23 September 2022