Become a specialist panel member

We partner with lawyers, barristers and family dispute resolution practitioners who deliver legal services to disadvantaged Queenslanders on our behalf.

Practitioners can apply to join one of our specialist panels to deliver these services:

Independent children's lawyer and separate representative panel

Legal Aid Queensland appoints lawyers to provide separate representation for children in family law and child protection proceedings.

To be on the panel, practitioners must:

  • have practiced as a legal practitioner in family law or child protection law for at least 5 years
  • be able to demonstrate an advanced level of experience and competence in the relevant area
  • have undertaken the relevant training course within the last 3 years.

Application process

Applicants must complete the following:

You can apply at any time.

Once you have submitted your application, we will invite you to participate in an interview with the Selection and Suitability Committee (before your application is assessed). The committee usually meets twice a year.

Please send your application or any questions to

Mental Health Review Tribunal service orders panel

Law firms and community legal centres can apply to join the Mental Health Review Tribunal (MHRT) service orders panel. We’re currently inviting applications from service providers in Mackay, Rockhampton, Townsville, Sunshine Coast, Cairns and Bundaberg/Fraser Coast.

The MHRT service orders panel is used for:

  • forensic order hearings where the Attorney-General elects to appear
  • fitness for trial reviews
  • treatment authority reviews for minors
  • applications for electroconvulsive therapy
  • other matters where the MHRT has determined a client should have legal representation.

The MHRT requests the representation. We do not assess the client/patient’s merit or means.

When a law firm or a community legal centre is approved to be included on the MHRT service orders panel, practitioners will then need to apply for and receive MHRT accreditation before referrals can be made. Read our accreditation requirements(PDF, 119KB).

The following resources are also available to read online:

Application process

Applicants must complete the following:

  • Application coversheet(PDF, 111KB)
  • Written response to the expression of interest setting out the geographical locations you can service and the details of legal practitioners who will provide the services, together with their experience in delivering services to clients with mental health issues.

Please send your application or any questions to

Please note: Where clients have applied directly to Legal Aid Queensland for representation when appearing before the MHRT, we refer representation for these matters to solicitors on the Criminal Law Life panel. Solicitors on this panel can also submit legal aid applications for their clients via Grants Online. The two panels undertake separate work before the MHRT and are not interchangeable

Family dispute resolution practitioner panel

Lawyers, social workers and psychologists can apply to be a conference chairperson in our family dispute resolution program.

For more information, please email

Arbitrator panel

Lawyers can also apply to be an arbitrator in our property arbitration program.

For more information, please email

Complex criminal case barrister panel

Barristers can apply to join our complex criminal case barrister panel.

For this panel, a complex criminal case matter is a:

  • committal
  • trial
  • sentence
  • Mental Health Court hearing
  • appeal
  • matter under the Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act 2003

where an expensive case grant of legal aid has been sought or issued or is likely to be sought or issued.

In-house lawyers and preferred suppliers must brief barristers on the panel for complex criminal case matters except in exceptional cases and with the approval of the chief executive officer.

Barristers who are not on the complex criminal case barrister panel may be briefed for all other legally-aided matters where a grant of legal assistance exists to brief counsel.

Barristers not on the panel may be briefed for committals, trials, sentences, Mental Health Court hearings, appeals or matters under the Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act 2003 where only standard or extraordinary grants of legal aid have been issued, or are likely to be issued, and where no application for an expensive case grant of legal assistance will be made.

Find a barrister on the panel

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1. Hold a current unconditional Queensland practising certificate as a barrister
  2. Have at least 5 years’ experience as counsel and/or solicitor advocate in criminal law matters, unless there are exceptional circumstances determined by the selection committee
  3. Demonstrate an established professional reputation as a competent advocate with specialist knowledge of criminal law, evidence, procedure and ethics, and high level written and verbal communication skills
  4. Not be or have been the subject of:
    1. adverse findings arising from professional disciplinary action taken against the applicant
    2. significant adverse findings or comments regarding the conduct of the applicant by any court or tribunal
    3. findings of guilt for any criminal offences other than minor traffic infringement offences against the applicant
    4. investigations of suspected or alleged criminal conduct on the part of the applicant

    The applicant must not, for any other reason, in the view of the selection committee, be unfit to practice as a barrister in complex criminal cases.

Application process

Applicants must read and complete the following:

For more information, please email

External review officer panel

Legal Aid Queensland appoints legal professionals to independently review decisions made by its Grants Division about applications for legal assistance in criminal, family, and some civil law matters.

To be on the panel, you must meet the following eligibility criteria:

Mandatory qualifications

  • You must be admitted as a legal practitioner in Queensland.
  • You must have recent legal practice (within the last two years) and a current practising certificate or volunteer practising certificate.

About you

  • You have extensive experience and skills as a legal professional (minimum of 10 years post admission and recent experience) practising in either criminal, family, civil or administrative law.
  • You have outstanding and highly developed written and oral advocacy skills demonstrated in cases of the highest level of difficulty and competency.
  • You have excellent administrative decision-making capabilities and can critically review case and financial material and make a decision considering policy and guidelines in complex matters.
  • You can present and write in a clear, concise and articulate manner, offering balanced rationale.
  • You are flexible and adaptable across a broad range of software platforms and can work remotely managing documents electronically. You can also plan ahead and monitor task progress to ensure timely decisions and deadlines are met.
  • You can build and sustain relationships within the organisation.

For more information, read our External review officer panel requirements(DOCX, 25KB).

Last updated 25 November 2024